Beyond Pesticides
proposed pesticides have been linked with such human health effects
as non-Hodgkins lymphoma, endocrine disruption and reproductive effects.
"Help keep Oakland's pesticide ban from weakening..."

Californians for
Alternatives to Toxics (CATS)
has several invasive plants to control and each has a particular set
of problems and vulnerabilities. To think that using herbicides alone
will solve the problem indicates that decisions are being made too hastily
and solutions not well thought out. Instead,the City would benefit from
a rigorous investigation of alternatives which, in the long run, will
save money and provide superior invasive plant control.
We call on the City
to quickly set up a technical options committee that includes interested
members of the public to investigate approaches to the problem and make
recommendations to the City Council. |

Canaries Foundation
It's illegal
(against federal law) to say pesticides are safe when used properly. So
many are at risk, sick people are not protected at all and it is not mentioned
on the label.
Get the chemical company promise in writing that no one will be harmed with the
proper use of their product. Ask for all the studies that test the full product
including the often more toxic secret inert ingredients that prove this product
is safe for those with environmental health disabilities. |

Cancer Prevention
reviewed the Oakland Ordinance. Pesticides applied to tree stumps will
still leech into the soil and increase cancer risks for residents and
visitors, for children, for adults; and therefore, we must oppose this
Cancer is an epidemic and we must take all appropriate steps to to stop unnecessarily
using cancer causing ingredients. Cancer clusters evolve from seemingly
innocuous products, bug killers, ant killers, hair shampoo, face creams,
toothpaste, cosmetics.
is no quick fix. There is no safe use of pesticides. Read the toxicological

Health Network
... the public member of Alameda County's IPM (Integrated Pest
Management) committee and the president of the Environmental Health
Network, I plead with you to rise to the challenge of controlling
weeds and other "pests" with the least toxic means available.
Herbicides are not the least toxic means available . . . regardless
of advertising hype. We ALL are stakeholders when it comes to breathing
Barb Wilkie,
President, Enviromental Health Network |

Marin Beyond
Pesticides Coalition |
Pesticide Free Zone Campaign...
Working to change the way people view pesticides by utilizing our Ladybug
signs to identify safe places and giving people a nice way to let
their neighbor know how they feel. |

Northwest Coalition
for Alternatives to Pesticides
management, in order to be successful in the long-term, needs to
focus on creating a stable community of desirable plants.
A focus on simply
killing unwanted vegetation encourages repeated and increasingly
costly herbicide use.
The exemptions
being considered are focused on killing the target species instead
of restoring a desirable plant community |